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A lightweight record reader for UE4 pak files.

Installation and Usage

Install with npm i @agc93/pak-reader and import the PAK reader with:

import { PakFileReader } from "@agc93/pak-reader";

Create a new reader instance with the path to the PAK file, then call parse to read the PAK file's index records:

var reader = new PakFileReader("X:/path/to/mod_P.pak");
var parsed = await reader.parse();
console.log(`Version ${parsed.archiveVersion} mounted at ${parsed.mountPoint}`);
console.log(`Read ${parsed.index.recordCount} records!`);

You can then explore all the records included in the PAK file in parsed.index.records. Each object is an IIndexRecord and includes all the information included in the index record of the PAK file.

Note that (at this time), this does not support unpacking the actual file data of the PAK, only reading the records. This may be included in a future update depending on requirements/demand.


  • 0.0.1: Initial release
  • 0.0.2
    • Rework API to support new "safe mode" parser options.
    • Add safe pre-compiled parser for CSP-restricted environments.
    • Remove deprecated getFooter from PakFileReader.
  • 0.0.3
    • Update to support the bias memory and bias speed compression methods

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