GPM Installation

How to install Git Profile Manager

Installing Git Profile Manager is simple and easy, and supports a huge range of platforms.

Currently installers are provided for: Windows 10, Ubuntu (18.04), RPM-based Linux distros and Debian/Ubuntu.

You can also manually install on any of the above, as well as macOS (unsupported).

.NET Core Global Tool

GPM is now also shipped as a .NET Core Global Tool. This means, you can run the following command to install GPM and the .NET Core CLI should make the gpm command available in your environment.

dotnet tool install -g git-profile-manager

Note that it’s possible (especially on non-Windows platforms) that the global .NET Core tools location is not on your PATH so you may need to manually add it (or just install GPM using one of the below methods).


Debian, Ubuntu

First, you need to install some dependencies:

# for Debian 8
apt-get install -y libicu52 libunwind8
# for Ubuntu 18.04
apt-get install -y libicu55 libunwind8

Now, just download the deb for your distro and install it with:

dpkg -i git-profile-manager*.deb

This will install the app to /usr/lib/git-profile-manager and automatically add gpm to your PATH.

Just run gpm to get the help.


Download the rpm for Fedora and install it with:

dnf install git-profile-manager*.rpm

Despite the naming, this package should work fine for most modern Fedora versions

This will install the app to /usr/lib/git-profile-manager and automatically add gpm to your PATH.

Just run gpm to get the help.


First, install dependencies:

yum install -y libicu libunwind

Now, download the rpm for your flavour and install it with:

rpm -i git-profile-manager*.rpm

This will install the app to /usr/lib/git-profile-manager and automatically add gpm to your PATH.

Just run gpm to get the help.


Chocolatey users can quickly install Git Profile Manager using the git-profile-manager.install package:

choco install git-profile-manager.install

This will install the app to the default Chocolatey location and should automatically add a gpm alias to your PATH.

You can also download the release package, extract it somewhere and add that location to your PATH manually.

Just run gpm to get the help.


At this time, there is no automated install available for macOS (since building for macOS requires a Mac and I don’t have one).

MacOS users can download the relevant archive, extract it to a directory (say /Applications/git-profile-manager for example) and add that folder to your PATH. You can then run gpm from a terminal to run the app.

Note that the macOS version is largely untested and may be somewhat unstable. Please report issues and bugs on GitHub.

.NET Runtime

If you’re on another platform, GPM might still work! If you can install the .NET Core runtime on your system (this is bundled with the SDK if you’re on a supported OS), you should be able to use it to run GPM from the dotnet-any package. The main executable is the git-profile-manager.dll file:

dotnet git-profile-manager.dll